“My Piano Foundations classes are designed to make your life easier! Multiple class times each week mean you can choose the one that works for your changing schedule, or more than one if that's your jam. Your child has their class on their own instrument at home, and they always have a lesson in their account, even when you need to miss class. Unlimited communication and feedback from me means there's no reason to wait until the next class to get clarification on what to do next! After years of teaching busy kids who have to choose between piano and other activities, I designed Piano Foundations to help you overcome all the obstacles between your family and piano lessons!”

View a Sample Lesson Here



The Obstacle-

Busy families, changing schedules, the need for flexibility from week to week.


The Piano Foundations Solution-

Multiple practice class times most weeks- attend any or all. Personalized lesson assignments to your student's account each week, complete with audio, pdf, video, instructions and more. This is the core of my instruction, and you get it no matter your schedule!

The Obstacle- 

Lesson costs when added to the family budget on top of other after-school activities for multiple kids.


The Piano Foundations Solution-

By keeping most instruction in a pre-recorded form, utilizing online group classes and helpful technology, I'm able to keep my membership price to $109/month and help make piano more accessible for your family!

Registration for fall classes will reopen August 1, 2024