“Piano is for all ages, even adults! Many of my adult students played as a kid- or wished they could have- but then they quit and now want to get back to it. Playing the piano when it's your idea and you want it for yourself is a totally different experience than piano lessons as a kid! Does this sound familiar? Maybe you want to understand more about music theory to apply to another instrument, or you want to play with a band, accompany a vocalist, or just play recognizable tunes for your own enjoyment- my Piano Society is a convenient way for you to do that!”

 Piano Society Includes

  • 1 private (45-60 minute) online lesson per month, at your convenience
  • 2-3 personalized assignments in your account each month, all designed to help you move towards your goal. Lessons include PDF, video, audio, instructions and more.
  • Unlimited communication between us using my app, which allows you to easily send video or other media in your chats.  I provide feedback, answer questions and send supplemental materials where needed all in your personal account on an app available on desktop or mobile devices.
  • Book additional private lessons when you wish for $40 each
  • All available to you conveniently in your email inbox. Tuition is only $119/month for a limited time!
  • View a Sample Lesson Here